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Spirov AV, Sabirov MA, Holloway DM. Systems Evolutionary Biology of Waddington’s Canalization and Genetic Assimilation (pp. 167-185) in «Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry — Advances and Perspectives» . City: IN TECH, 2018, 19.

Левченко ВФ, Яблоков АВ, Керженцев АС. Очерки биосферологии . City: Свое издательство, 2018, 150.
Myasnikova E, Spirov AV. Relative sensitivity analysis of the predictive properties of sloppy models / J Bioinform Comput Biol 16(2): 1840008, 2018.

Спиров АВ. Подходы микрофлюидики в современной биологии развития / Онтогенез 49(3): 165–180, 2018.
Myasnikova Y, Spirov AV. Evolutionary processes in nature, technology and society –a few common trends / SHS Web of Conf (): , 2018.

Myasnikova E, Spirov AV. Robustness of expression pattern formation due to dynamic equilibrium in gap gene system of an early Drosophila embryo / Biosystems 166(): 50-60, 2018.

Alexandrov T, Golyandina N, Holloway D, Shlemov A, Spirov AV. Two-Exponential Models of Gene Expression Patterns for Noisy Experimental Data / J Comput Biol 25(11): 1220-1230, 2018.

Spirov AV, Myasnikova EM. Linguistic modelling of gene regulation: Translation from the language of experiments to the language of modelling / ICT Express (): , 2018.

Spirov AV. Microfluidics Approaches in Modern Developmental Biology / Russ J Dev Biol+ 49(3): 146–158, 2018.

Eremeev A, Spirov AV. Estimates from evolutionary algorithms theory applied to gene design / Mathematical Modeling and High-Performance Computing in Bioinformatics, Biomedicine and Biotechnology, MM-HPC-BBB-2018(21.08-24.08) (Novosibirsk, 2018) c. 21.

Spirov AV, Myasnikova E. Evolutionary computations and modular organization of the gene regulatory regions / Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\ Systems Biology (BGRS\SB-2018)(20.08-25.08) (Novosibirsk, 2018) c. 145.

Левченко ВФ. Научные идеи А.В.Яблокова и экологическое движение / Яблоковские чтения(31.10-31.10) (СПб, Дом журналистов, 2018) c. .

Левченко ВФ. Тревога ученых по поводу опасности гибели биосферы и пути выхода «по Яблокову» / Яблоков День в Дарвиновском музее(12.11-12.11) (Дарвиновский музей, Москва, 2018) c. 1:15:10.

Spirov AV. Royal Road functions in Evolutionary Computations and modular organization of a gene: applications to directed and molecular evolution / Faseb J 32(1): , 2018.

Spirov AV. Memetic Algorithms in Evolutionary Robotics on Example of Virtual Bots / IFAC-PapersOnLine 51(30): 586-591, 2018.

Spirov AV, Myasnikova E. Evolutionary Computations and Modular Organization of the Gene Regulatory Regions / 11-th International Multiconference Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology (BGRS\SB) / IEEE Xplore Digital Library: сб. статей.: 94-99, 2018.

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